What does the Executive Committee do?

The CUYLM Executive Committee is comprised of 12 young leaders appointed through an annual recruitment and selection process. The Manitoba credit union system peer group structure guides our committee composition.

The Executive Committee organizes and delivers exciting learning opportunities for young leaders in the credit union system. Past and current initiatives include:

  • Conferences and Think Tanks 

  • Webinars  

  • Mentorship program 

  • Learning Commons  

Serving on the committee is a fantastic opportunity to participate in exclusive networking and learning events, share your vision and ideas, and take on new challenges that will help you grow as a leader. 

Eligibility Requirements

If you have a passion for the credit union system, an interest in personal and professional development and want to help create a great experience for other young leaders, send us an application! Credit Union Young Leaders of Manitoba is recruiting for positions on the Executive Committee to serve a 3-year term starting January 2024.

Are you ready to take the next step? To be eligible to apply for a position on the CUYLM Executive Committee, applicants must be:  

  • Prepared to be fully engaged in committee meetings. Committee meetings are hosted virtually every month for an hour in duration. 

  • Assist in the creation and execution of our annual plan.

  • Age 37 years or less at the time of application.

  • Have not previously served as a member of the committee.  

  • Attain full support and a short reference from your direct manager/supervisor.

Application Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by the current CUYLM Executive Committee. The committee strives to establish an Executive Committee that is comprised of engaged and active young leaders, while also balancing the need for proportionate representation across credit unions, including size and geographical location (rural vs. urban).  

In the instance where there are two candidates who are equally qualified for the position, preference may be given to the candidate whose credit union is not yet represented on the committee.

CUYLM strives to be comprised of talented and dedicated members with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, skills and backgrounds. The skills and backgrounds collectively represented on the committee reflect the diverse nature of our membership and the environment in which the committee operates. 


To learn more about the CUYLM Executive Committee and application process, please visit our FAQs page.

Applications Now Closed

Applications are closed as of November 10, 2023. All applicants will be contacted by November 30, 2023.