2022 CUYLM Executive Committee


CUYLM Executive Committee

The CUYLM Executive Committee is comprised of up to 14 young leaders appointed through an annual recruitment and selection process. The committee is designed to represent the Manitoba credit union system, taking the peer group structure into account. Members of the committee serve three-year terms in order to ensure continuity in our ongoing projects and activities.

The Executive Committee organizes and delivers exciting learning opportunities and events for credit union young leaders, and communicates about relevant topics and helpful resources.

Serving on the committee is a fantastic opportunity to participate in special events, share your vision and ideas, and take on new challenges that will propel your growth as a leader. You can learn about the Executive Committee application process and tell us about yourself if you’re interested in applying.

Our team is committed to making your experiences as a credit union young leader as rewarding as possible! Below are our current committee members.


Chair & Vice Chair


Committee Members


Executive Committee News